25 April 2010

keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times

Three exams stand between me and a precious 10 days of freedom.

I wish it were Thursday already.

20 April 2010

who said this was gonna be easy?

Thanks, bff, for the reality check. Among the embarassing blunders I made yesterday:

-Struggled to divide 2 by 4. No kidding.
-Read "grains" as "grams" on a med calc test... whoops
-...and then forgot how many milligrams are in a grain (60).


Can you tell it's dead week? Should be renamed "hell week". This too shall pass.

15 April 2010

we swing into class on ropes.

We had a substitute teacher in pharmacology today. We were learning about GI drugs.

Sound of helicopter outside classroom window. Grows steadily louder, continues for about five minutes.

Substitute: What is going ON out there?
Student #1: Oh, my ride's here.

Hysterical laughter from classroom. Helicopter noise finally subsides. 20 minutes later, a long, drawn-out boat horn is heard.

Student #2: Did you bring a boat, too?
Student #1: Yeah, my helicopter is parked on my boat while they wait for me. They're just early.

13 April 2010

what we have here...

...is a failure to communicate.

Throughout my whole life (or at least the parts when I had someone other than my mother grading my papers), I have gotten good writing grades. Sometimes I can form sentences. More rarely, I string together words that make sense. When I write, I procrastinate until the point of no return, then stay up all night and drag the words out in a process so painful that it's probably not worth the good grade.

And then I had to take a Nursing Communication class.

Both of the writing projects I've done so far (a speech and a "wellness education" brochure on a health-related topic: drug-induced coma was my cheery subject) have been recieved in confusion. By this, I mean that the feedback my instructor gave me clearly showed that she had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY.

It's frustrating.

If your communication professor doesn't understand you, is it because you're a bad communicator, or is she failing at communicating communication?

Do you see my dilemma?

I'm totally not failing any of my classes. I'm just annoyed that I have to keep doing well on the quizzes in that class to keep an A.

In other news, I just got a perfect score on an essay I turned in for the class I detest the most. Thank goodness for small favors. And pie charts. Haha.

shoot 'em up

Injections lab tonight!

It was so much fun. I'm lucky enough to have a lab partner who's game for anything and doesn't mind a weekly dose of my crazy. My lab is the last one on Mondays, and it's half the size of the other five labs in my section. We ended up getting to give both IM and SC injections to each other... all of the other labs were short on time and had to pick one.

The hardest shot to give is always the first one, and it's just because of some weird psychological thing you have to get over when you're shanking your friend in the arm for the first time (I totally cheated and got to give a shot way back in January). Nobody minded GETTING a shot... it was the GIVING them that had everyone in knots. Everybody else was shaking, awkward and very timid about pushing the needle in all the way. My instructor said I did well and my lab partner was pleasantly surprised, so I'll take it.

The really funny thing is that I'm far more confident shoving needles into humans than I am about my medication test (on mannequins) next week. Ha.

I love lab. It's my favorite. I can't wait for real clinicals.

02 April 2010

how to survive nursing school.

Ahhh... Easter break. Five-day weekend, just long enough to start catching up on sleep before plunging back into the mad carousel ride that is finals. One more soccer game and then that's over... must coerce classmates to stop being pansies and play some pick-up footy with me. Or I'll go join a rugby club and learn to be hardcore.

Suffice it to say, soccer and indie rock & roll keep my sanity from deserting me entirely. This is my playlist for the week.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com