26 May 2010

sad day

Me: "I hate my life."
Friend and fellow classmate: "No, you don't! You know how I know? You don't HAVE a life!"

18 May 2010

conversations in the kitchen

Grandpa: "Hey, your legs are looking pretty white."
Me: "I know, I wish we could hold class outside."
Grandpa: "Or tell your teachers to get a heat lamp or something."
Me: "Kiss my foot."
Grandpa: "No... your white legs might be catching."

17 May 2010

i'll be over here, on my own little island

I think I'm officially the nursing school outcast.

Everyone I've heard from hates pharmacology and pathophysiology.

They're interesting classes. Lots of work, but super fascinating. The hard classes with the cool content always pique my interest, but when I go those classes, everyone moans about how hard they are and how they're going to fail. Naturally, they enjoy the classes about application of nursing. Those are alright to some extent, but I prefer the clinical setting.

Maybe I'm just weird.

Or maybe eight hours of class per day, two days a week, has already melted my brain.

My med/surg prof is hilarious though. She did say "I'm going to give you plenty of knowledge that you can use to win bets or drinking games."


16 May 2010

benjamin moore begs to differ

The first week of summer school is over.

Two days of eight hours of class per week. It's really hard to pay attention by the time we get to Mental Health at the end of the day. As a matter of fact, I pretended to be a T-rex through most of Wednesday's lecture. Mostly to stay awake, partially because of the sugar rush I was experiencing.

Med/surg clinical orientation was Thursday. I'm on a neurovascular unit.

Friday we got to do stuff. Attempted my first catheter, changed a trach tube and suctioned some lungs. So awesome. I think I'm gonna love this.

Then I drove home and we went to the beach because I just can't take the city and the traffic any more than I have to. We took the dog and some friends and had a load of fun.

Quote of the day:

Sam: "Excuse me sir, what color is your car?"
Motorist: "It's electric vibrant green!"
Sam (to us): "TOLD YOU IT'S NOT YELLOW!"
Motorist: laughs hysterically
Jessie: "I thought he said electric vomit green."

02 May 2010

mixing up homophones

This is the part where I admit that I loved pharmacology. Almost everyone complained about it all the time, but I think it's fascinating. Can't wait for patho. I ended the semester on a high note... scoring about 90% in all my classes. Sweet.

Some quotes while studying for finals that I feel particularly highlight the special-ness of nursing students:

Me: "How does an oil retention enema work?"
Her: "You mean an oral retention enema?"
Me: "Um, no, all enemas go in the other end."
Her: "Well, it's for impaction, and if a patient is impacted, how else are you gonna get it up in there?"
Me: "..."

I can see that going well... "Excuse me, sir, I'm gonna need to you open up please."

And then we reviewed enema procedure. If you give an enema in a left side-lying position, logic would suggest that a patient lie on their right side while waiting for it to work. Or possibly on their back.

Me: "How would you position a patient to help them hold an enema?"
Her: "On their stomach with their butt in the air."
Me: Hysterical laughter

Sometimes you just have to wonder.

*Technically, oil and oral aren't homophones, but in this case they were.