13 April 2010

shoot 'em up

Injections lab tonight!

It was so much fun. I'm lucky enough to have a lab partner who's game for anything and doesn't mind a weekly dose of my crazy. My lab is the last one on Mondays, and it's half the size of the other five labs in my section. We ended up getting to give both IM and SC injections to each other... all of the other labs were short on time and had to pick one.

The hardest shot to give is always the first one, and it's just because of some weird psychological thing you have to get over when you're shanking your friend in the arm for the first time (I totally cheated and got to give a shot way back in January). Nobody minded GETTING a shot... it was the GIVING them that had everyone in knots. Everybody else was shaking, awkward and very timid about pushing the needle in all the way. My instructor said I did well and my lab partner was pleasantly surprised, so I'll take it.

The really funny thing is that I'm far more confident shoving needles into humans than I am about my medication test (on mannequins) next week. Ha.

I love lab. It's my favorite. I can't wait for real clinicals.

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that's what she said.