13 April 2010

what we have here...

...is a failure to communicate.

Throughout my whole life (or at least the parts when I had someone other than my mother grading my papers), I have gotten good writing grades. Sometimes I can form sentences. More rarely, I string together words that make sense. When I write, I procrastinate until the point of no return, then stay up all night and drag the words out in a process so painful that it's probably not worth the good grade.

And then I had to take a Nursing Communication class.

Both of the writing projects I've done so far (a speech and a "wellness education" brochure on a health-related topic: drug-induced coma was my cheery subject) have been recieved in confusion. By this, I mean that the feedback my instructor gave me clearly showed that she had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY.

It's frustrating.

If your communication professor doesn't understand you, is it because you're a bad communicator, or is she failing at communicating communication?

Do you see my dilemma?

I'm totally not failing any of my classes. I'm just annoyed that I have to keep doing well on the quizzes in that class to keep an A.

In other news, I just got a perfect score on an essay I turned in for the class I detest the most. Thank goodness for small favors. And pie charts. Haha.

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that's what she said.